22 Gennaio 2025
Press releases

Charity hosts European partners in Leicester to consider support for young people post-pandemic

08-04-2022 13:06 - Press releases
The Mighty Creatives welcomes European partners to Leicester to reflect on findings of wellbeing research project for young people aged 14-19 impacted by Covid-19.
Cultural education charity, The Mighty Creatives, is welcoming European partners to its Leicester-based offices this month. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, the group was formed in May 2020 to execute critical research into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on secondary aged students.

The group devised the Well-Be project to combine the efforts of four partners from the UK, Bulgaria, Spain, and Italy over a two-year period. The project mission was to support secondary education students in building resilience skills and overcoming the negative effects of social exclusion in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

An active research programme was developed to understand the impact of the pandemic on education and on the experiences of teachers, parents, and students during this time. Psychological (psycho-social) effects of social exclusion in students will be analysed to inform educational priorities and pedagogical measures on the needs of students following the pandemic.

The programme has already produced a research study in the UK into the impact of the Covid- 19 pandemic on the psycho-emotional state of secondary school students (14-19 years) in the UK, and their strategies and resources for coping with stress. This snapshot makes it possible to identify young people's social, psychological, and educational needs to minimise the damage of the pandemic on their development and maintain their sense of well-being. Over 730 students, parents, and teachers from across the country participated.

Dr Nick Owen MBE, CEO at The Mighty Creatives, said: “We’re delighted to be welcoming our European colleagues to the wonderful cultural city of Leicester. We’ll be sharing the findings of the research gathered across all four countries and will use this time together to explore best practice responses on how we can best support our young people two years on from the birth of this collaborative project and the beginning of the pandemic. Our European colleagues are excited to explore the city, and we’re excited to share some of the amazing cultural experiences on offer in Leicester, including a tour of Curve Theatre.”

In addition to The Mighty Creatives, the group of partners include: Fo-Ri.Um. Società Cooperativa (Italy) National Management School (Bulgaria) M&M Profuture Training, S.L. (Spain)

For more information on the Well-Be project visit: www.wellbeproject.eu

For more information on The Mighty Creatives visit: www.themightycreatives.com

About The Mighty Creatives

Established in 2009, The Mighty Creatives is a charity which transforms the lives of children and young people in need through arts, culture and creativity. Based at the heart of the cultural quarter in Leicester, our beneficiaries are children and young people from birth to 30 years old across the East Midlands. We work in partnership with children and young people, key funders, and sector partners to champion, develop, deliver and grow:

• services that can be scaled up, demonstrate reach and result in significant and measurable cultural and social impacts
• inspiring opportunities for children and young people to engage with arts and culture
• investment in children and young people’s own creative skills, knowledge and practice
• capacity in the cultural and education sectors to support the infrastructure of the region
• programmes of cultural and creative education regionally, nationally and internationally
• models of practice which ensure that the creative voices of children and young people are at the heart of all our programmes.

For other press and media enquiries please contact hope@themightycreatives.com or call 0116 2616 834

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